Friday, April 14, 2017

Angel Food Cake with Strawberry Preserves

This is one great tasting cake.

The idea was to create a cake to hold fresh fruit preserves. In this case, angel food cake seemed like a better choice than say a pound cake. Angel food cake has lots of protein from the egg whites and is fat-free. There is plenty of sugar, though.

I followed the recipe on Alternatively, you get the cake mix in a box from the local market. It's a real time saver.

Because it is generally just me and sometimes a 'plus one', I scaled the recipe back by 25%.

I used a regular cake pan instead of the traditional tube pan. Why? To better hold the berries.

The strawberries: I sliced up two pounds of strawberries, put them in a pot with one cup of sugar and a splash of water. They simmered for about an hour, only because the strawberries gave off so much liquid, it took that long for them to come to a syrup-like consistency.

Top the cake with the strawberry preserve, slice and enjoy.

Leftover preserves? Add to plain yogurt. Top pancakes, waffles or ice cream.

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